
Amazing Sand Scluptures

Following are Amazing Sand Scluptures


Styxosaurus - The Sea Monster

Styxosaurus was an elasmosaur, a long-necked variety of the marine reptiles called plesiosaurs. These sea monsters grew upwards of 40 feet (12 meters) long. About half that length was neck, a feature that allowed Styxosaurus to sneak up on schools of fish as it slowly cruised the shallow waters of the Late Cretaceous seas.


Beautiful Pics -Mother's Love & Care

Amazing love and care of mother for its child.
Love doesn’t restrict to human only . Sometime we came across such an incident in life where we realize all creature of the nature are really beautiful . Following are the amazing animal picture of monkey, reflecting her care for her child. See ,enjoy and leave feedback .


Xiphactinus- The Sea Monster Survived on Earth

Xiphactinus- The Sea Monster Survived on Earth

Xiphactinus was one of the largest bony fish of the Late Cretaceous and is considered one of the fiercest creatures in the sea. A powerful tail and winglike pectoral fins shot the 17-foot-long (5-meter-long) monster through the surface waters of the ocean. Unlucky fish and unsuspecting seabirds were snared inside Xiphactinus's upturned jaw, which was lined with giant, fanglike teeth, giving it an expression akin to that of a bulldog.


Golden Rock Defying Gravity


Golden Rock is a well-known Buddhist pilgrimage site in Mon State, Myanmar. It is a small pagoda (7.3 metres (24 ft)) built on the top of a granite boulder covered with gold leaves pasted on by devotees. According to legend, the Golden Rock itself is precariously perched on a strand of the Buddha's hair. The rock seems to defy gravity, as it perpetually appears to be on the verge of rolling down the hill.